Koncerter / Live:

1. februar 2024 – Orø Kirke – Kyndelmisse koncert
22. august 2024 – Husum Kirke


Marianne Green er en anmelderrost sangerinde fra den irske folkemusikscene. Hendes personlige fortolkning af traditionelle irske sange sunget på engelsk og gælisk blandet med egne sange og traditionelle instrumentalnumre skaber en stemningsfuld atmosfære. Siden udgivelsen af sit debutalbum i 2010 “Dear Irish Boy”, lavet i samarbejde med den irske folk-legende Andy Irvine, har hun været på flere turnéer i Irland og spillet på store folk festivaler i bl.a. Irland, England, Italien, Finland og Tunesien.

Live band:

Marianne Green: Sang, whistle.
Bjarne Schmidt: Irsk bouzouki
Sonnich Lydom: Harmonika, mundharmonika.
Martin O’Hare: Bodhran, bones.


”Dear Irish Boy” er et værk bestående af 12 sange, hvoraf to er skrevet og komponeret af Marianne Green selv og et af hendes faste samarbejdspartner og producer, Martin O’Hare. Resten af sangene er traditionelle irske sange primært hentet fra Nordirland og specielt fra Co. Down, hvor albummet også er indspillet. Yderligere har hun fået hjælp af Andy Irvine, der er et ikon inden for irsk musik.

Marianne Green entered the Irish folk music scene with her album ‟ Dear Irish Boy‟. The album which is co-produced by Irish music icon Andy Irvine, has achieved great recognition and reviews.

„…a voice as gentle and delicate-sounding as Beleek porcelain…this album is clear, pure and deeply rooted in Ulster‟ – Rambles.net

„But don’t be fooled by her charismatic charm for here is someone who knows how to convey lyrics with conviction …..‟ – Maverick

…this is history in the making‟ – Irish Music Magazine

With a particular grá for songs from the north of Ireland and Gaelic songs, Marianne has made research in old books and field recordings and found remarkable material, some rarely recorded by modern time singers. However creating new and personal interpretations of the traditional songs, Marianne renders them both contemporary and timeless. As well as working with Irish and Celtic traditional folk music, she composes her own songs, two of them are present in the album.